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Thank you for joining the waitlist. While we strive to consistently welcome new members, it's difficult to estimate how long you will be on the waitlist. Instead of opening up our waitlist at regular intervals, we evaluate practice attendance to determine when welcome new players so practices remain safe and not overcrowded. You can expect to hear from us when we are able to welcome new players. In the meantime, please learn about our pre-admission requirements.

Pre-Admission Test Set

To meet safety, insurance, and legal requirements our team bylaws require all new players regardless of skill level or experience partake in the test set. The components of the test set are listed below:

  • 200 yards (8 short course laps) freestyle without stopping in under 3 minutes and 20 seconds

  • 60 seconds of nonstop unassisted treading water/eggbeater

Because safety is a top priority, there are no exceptions regarding test set participation. Passing our test set allows you to participate in the required two-week trial period after the test set. Admittance to the team is subject to Board approval pending the results of your test set and trial period. While the team welcomes all levels of skill and experience (including none at all), water polo is an intense sport that requires a certain level of conditioning and endurance for the safety of you and others. Practicing the test set in advance is recommended. If you do not pass the test set you are allowed to retake it as many times as needed. Your spot will be held and you will be notified the next time a test set is conducted.

If you'd like to strengthen your swimming or eggbeatering skills in preparation for the test set please see resources below.


There are open swim lanes available to the public at most indoor and outdoor pools in DC. There are also adult swim teams, including the LGBTQ+ DC Aquatics Club.


Resources taught by and for water polo players are recommended to ensure you know how to eggbeater in a way that will best serve you as a water polo player.

Learning How To Eggbeater On Dry Land:

Eggbeater Movement And Power Development:

Eggbeater Technical Training:

Washington DSeahorses Water Polo Team is a 501(c)7 organization formed in Washington, DC.

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